Arizona Tax Credit
Unraveling the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit: A Guide to Navigating State Tax Benefits While Making a Difference for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Tax season brings its challenges, and the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit is no exception. If you’re confused by this tax benefit, you’re not alone! Many find Arizona’s state tax credits complex, so today, we aim to simplify it and highlight the incredible opportunity it offers to support organizations like the Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ACBVI) QCO#20466.
The Arizona Charitable Tax Credit can reduce your state tax liability without requiring itemized deductions, making it accessible to all. This unique credit empowers you to directly support the blind and visually impaired, helping fund essential programs that improve independence and quality of life—benefiting your taxes and your community.
The Arizona Charitable Tax Credit is only available to individuals—not corporations, foundations, or partnerships—and applies only to cash donations. Property or in-kind donations (like toys, books, or services) do not qualify. Contributions must go to Qualified Charitable Organizations certified by Arizona, such as ours (QCO #20466). Check an organization’s certification before donating, as only certified donations qualify. Unused credits can carry forward to future tax years, maximizing your contribution’s impact. For personalized advice on this credit, consulting a tax advisor is recommended.
For additional information on making a donation, please contact Michelle Hargreaves.
ACBVI is an exempt organization as described in Section 501 (c)(3) of the IRS Code: EIN# 86-0133392.
Receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit with the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit. Arizona Qualified Charitable Organization (QCO) #20466